April 21, 2009


Whoo hoo! Fundraising for my trip to Africa this summer is well underway! The Lord has shown me so much over the last couple weeks - and really humbled my spirit to see and BELIEVE that all the money in the world is His, and if Africa is where He wants me to be, I will get there - by His guiding right hand!

To date: the Lord has provided over $950! Over 32% done! Still a long ways to go, but I have big Faith in our Big God!

Also, I have started another fundraising effort by selling some pictures I have taken online! Visit the website and look at the pics, order some and help the efforts in Africa at:

Another BIG thing - I purchased all my plane tickets yesterday for the summer!!
I will be going to New York to "nanny" and play with my girls for 2 and a half weeks before going to Africa! June 30 - July 17th I will be in Saratoga Springs, NY and Willsboro, NY at the lake! My flight will leave for Accra, Ghana, West Africa July 17th and I will return to the states August 4th, and back in Missouri by August 5th! (Seems a bit crazy, but it all works out beautifully! - My family in New York will take me to the airport to leave for Africa, and pick me up, too! So I won't be with any crazies!!

Can't wait to go this summer, and am so excited that God has provided this opportunity for me to serve the missionaries there!
(check out brian and debbie's website at http://wamminc.org )

Love you all!
Thank you for your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord, Whitney, for the progress with the fund raising!! Can't wait!!

    Jim F.
